Hydrangeas: The Perfect Flower

Hydrangeas are the mainstay in my garden. They are the flower that just keeps on giving!

These hydrangeas are along my driveway. They seem to be happy nestled here next to my white azaleas, in the dappled sunlight of the Japanese maples.

These flowers will provide many floral arrangements this fall and winter. The secret is to never pick them until they have started to age--usually in the fall. Once the petals take on a vintage look, it is time to cut them. No need to hang them upside down either. Put them in a vase, with or without water and they will dry naturally.

I even use the dried blooms for Christmas arrangements.
One year, I tucked all my dried hydrangeas in the branches of the Christmas tree!

Also, there is no need to prune hydrangeas.
If you want hydrangeas like your grandmother grew, then don't prune them back. I'll never forget the time I came home and found the gardener had cut my hydrangeas knee high! He was thinking if it was good for the roses, then it would be good for the hydrangea. It took two years for my hydrangeas to recover from their "haircut."
Hydrangeas bloom on this year's growth. So pruning them just means you won't get the flowers next spring.

If you would like to know more about hydrangeas, there is a great website here.
Hydrangeas mean summer to me, so I'm joining The Tablescaper for Summer Sunday today!

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