Homemade Pesto From The Garden

There is nothing like homemade pesto from fresh basil in the garden.

After picking the basil, Mr. A trimmed off the flowers.
He had researched the best recipe earlier in the day and had all his ingredients ready.

The garlic and then the roasted pine nuts go in the food processor first.
Then the basil.

While that processed, olive oil is slowly added.


And salt.

Juice of half a lemon. Parmesan cheese is then grated.

And added last.

What a pretty color!

Whole wheat linguini, fresh pesto with parmesan cheese.

Add barbecued ginger chicken skewers and a salad of arugula, pear and goat cheese.
That was our summer dinner a few nights ago. Recipe as follows:

Homemade Pesto

3 cloves garlic
1/2 C. roasted pine nuts
3 C. basil leaves
2/3 C. olive oil
1 t. salt
1/2 t. pepper
juice of 1/2 lemon
2/3 C. parmesan cheese coarsely ground

Process the garlic first, then the pine nuts. Add the basil leaves. Pour in the olive oil, juice of half a lemon, salt and pepper while processing. Add the coarsely ground parmesan cheese last.

I'm joining Designs by Gollum for Foodie Friday!
Thanks Michael for hosting!
I'm also sharing this recipe with everyone at Get Healthy Cheap.

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