Someday I'll Have Real Chickens!

Someday, I will have a chicken coop complete with real chickens and fresh eggs every day!

But for now, I'll have to be content with my pretend chickens! I'm very picky about the chickens I let in my house! Not just any chicken will make me happy, they must look like real ones!
Above is the very first one in my collection. She is a beauty! Straight from Portugal!

Another version of my first chicken, this one is also my pride and joy.

I found this little one on Ebay. She is the "mini me" of my first chicken.

This one does double duty as a soup tureen.

Another chicken tureen. All the chickens above are from the Bordallo Pinheiro factory in Portugal.

Chickens even have a way of finding their way into my tablescapes, like this vintage pair.

This pair managed to find a place on my Easter table!

I have collected quite a few of these little chick egg cups.

Another little vintage pair, probably from the 40's.

This pair is a reproduction made in China. I like them for their coloring.

They remind me of this real chicken. Isn't she adorable?

I even have a rooster lamp in the guest bedroom. I made this from a vintage rooster!

I've also collected botanicals of chickens like the one above of Light Brahmas.

White Leghorns

Buff Plymouth Rocks

Buff Minorcas

We bought this Gail Packer print years ago for the roosters parading at the bottom.
It also depicts a farmhouse in the wine country!

Here is our chicken coop, turned tool shed in the wine country.
Our neighbors, Ron and Ed have 37 chickens and want to give us a few. Oh, I'm tempted! Ron even said he would take care of them while were in the City.
All I have to do is convert the tool shed back to a chicken coop!

I just want a couple of hens, maybe three altogether. No rooster, thank you...

The problem is, I want the chicken coop to look like this one. This chicken coop belongs to Bunny Williams and was modeled after a pagoda. It is a work of art!

Heather Bullard has the most darling coop also. Thanks Christie at Three Pixie Lane for bringing this one to my attention! Isn't it just fabulous!?

Maybe a chicken run like this one would work. We could just build it off the side of the coop. It has to be very secure because there are a lot of predators in Asti. Ron and Ed have twice lost their chickens to either a fox or coyotes.

Of course, I would want to decorate the inside! It would look something like this--in my dreams!

All the real chickens above belong to Cathleen from Vintage Home Lifestyle

I'm joining Barb at Bella Vista for her special Rooster Party!
If you love roosters and chickens like I do, then you need visit Barb!

I'm also joining Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday.
And Laurie at Bargain Hunting With Laurie for Favorite Things Saturday.
Thank you Barb, Cindy and Laurie for hosting these fun blog parties.

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