The French Laundry and Their Culinary Garden

A few weeks ago Mr. A's wine group, The BNO (Boy's Night Out) attended a special event in Napa Valley--the other wine country! This time the wives were included! More on that later....
We spent the night after our event in picture perfect Yountville, which happens to be the home of The French Laundry.

No, we didn't eat here--it takes two months in advance to get a reservation.
This restaurant is legendary. Chef Thomas Keller has received three Michelin stars and the restaurant was named number one in the world in 2003 and 2004.

We were intrigued with their culinary garden across the street.
Three acres of the most wonderful organic produce! A plein air artist was painting the garden.

The garden is a work of art with all the rows neatly lined up and perfectly groomed.
The vegetables were perfect!

The early morning's harvest of heirloom tomatoes.

Mr. A standing next to the Jerusalem Artichokes.

It's hard to believe this old stone building, built in the early 1900's and originally a french laundry, could be the top restaurant in the world! It is very discreet, yet everyone knows where to find it.
We did eat here three years ago as a special group. It was incredible!

After our nine course meal, we were so lucky to have a tour of the famous kitchen.

Just for fun, here is a vegetarian tasting menu.

For even more fun, here is a video of Anthony Bourdain's experience at the French Laundry.

After hanging out in front of The French Laundry, we mosied down the street for coffee and pastries at Bouchon, Thomas Keller's other restaurant in Yountville.

The French Laundry has a beautiful website here with lovely mouth watering food photos.
Also, check out Bouchon's website here.
Both restaurants have lovely cookbooks as well.

I'm joining Susan at A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday!
Thanks Susan for hosting!

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